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  I started to model in Berlin, in 2012. It was originally part of my global attempt to turn about any aspect of my professional life into a performance – and beyond this side, the specific nature of the job never really made its way to my mind. I kept on performing/acting more than modeling, rarely leaving the sphere of my own daydreams while working in studios.

Since then, and through years of experience with artistic photographers, fashion designers, painters and sculptors , I have worked in front of the lens in different countries and cities. With long periods of break. Modeling is amongst those jobs I can only do for so long before I need to breath another air.

I am now known in the profession as Hour of the Wolf, which I suppose speaks for my will to be a cheerful model.

Skills and body change through the years, but one thing at least seems to remain the same. I still don’t smile. And I still don’t care much.

  The pictures below are amongst those rare ones that I care about, for they tend to capture something else, somewhat more hidden, more fragile, and overall more fugitive.

Most of those photographies are taken by the same artists for those real encounters rarely happened along my trajectory as a model.

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