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Between Wolves, aka Stella Schutzman, is a freelance visual artist, illustrator, singer  and model born in France and living now in the USA.

From a young age she studied classical singing while becoming a self taught painter through various mediums and styles. She went on to study philosophy and travel over the world.

In 2012 she moved to Berlin, where she made a strong connection with underground music, culture and psychedelic artwork.

Over the years, she spent a lot of time in very rural environments, mainly working with horses, exploring natural horsemanship without specializing in what specific approach but rather building the most extensive knowledge possible, from ethology to holistic therapy such as equine shiatsu. 

After three years in Germany, she dropped out of society to live a nomadic life in the mountains with a rescued horse, a dog and a tent. Her wanderings led her to discover first nation art and mythology while drawing inspiration from the deep loneliness of the wild.

Upon her return from these travels, she moved to the United States where she now devotes herself to painting, music and her work with horses - while keeping on traveling.

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